Thursday, January 15, 2009


Journaling, a place where being "emotional" is ok. Depending upon your writing skills and degree of comfort with self-disclosure, some journals are more interesting than others.
Self-disclosure- a time of sharing details about yourself with another so they can get a sense of who you are, it's the only way people get close to you. After one of my friends asked me today if she self disclosed well i started to question myself in this area. According to my personality (INFP) I don't typically. I can be an extremely hard person to get to know.. which is most frustrating for me b/c i thrive off of meaningful relationships.
As most of the closest people to me know, writing is not my strongest attribute, actually.. i'm pretty terrible. I can't remember a time where i turned in a paper when it wasn't returned to me looking like they had done open heart surgery on top of it. None the less, i attempted serveral times to keep a journal over the years so i can do the typical look back and see how far i've come yada yada.
Today as i was sitting in my office, letting the rebellious side of me (the dominant side) take control and do anything but what i needed to doing, i spotted an old journal and thought i'd take a peak.
How do you wake up from a sense of apathy that you didn't even know you were in? Was it the sting of reality concerning my degree of regression or questioning how i got there that concerned me most?
How are you more spiritually mature at the age of 19 than you are at 26? Was college really the best days of my life or the path to deterioration?
Hope- is the realization that i can get there again, i've been there once
Time- has changed me more than i realized
Life- full of speedbumps and potholes, which cause reflection, which in turn causes change
Grace- God's greatest gift!